Interested in sourcing already designed plastic molded parts? Looking to make a conversion to custom plastic rotational molding? Fibertech is interested in working with you.
Our business approach is to offer you outstanding service, an excellent custom plastic part and competitive rates.
Fibertech Roto Plastic Molding Service Features:
Higher quality, and higher held tolerance products
Preventative maintenance
Quality Assurance
On-time delivery and shipment
Our Goals Are To:
- Develop a partnership with every client
- Offer a high-quality, turnkey service
- Deliver aesthetically complete plastic products
- Constantly improve our process and capabilities to increase our market competitiveness
Some Industries That Can Use Custom Molding Include:
- Recreational Vehicles
- Sports/Recreation
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Automotive
- Building/Construction
- Electrical/Electronic

Custom Rotational Plastic Molding Benefits:
Fibertech’s years of design experience allows us to take existing custom plastic parts and make changes to improve functionality and production. Tooling methods enable us to take items that are currently tooled and improve or replace them with minimal cost. Fibertech does full assemblies, packaging, labeling, molded-in graphics, bar coding and hot stamping. Our proven dedication to customers is driven by our commitment to outstanding quality and service.
- Shorter lead-time from concept to production
- One-piece hollow construction
- Design flexibility from small to large products
- Economical for short production runs, prototype research and volume production
- Excellent load-bearing products
- Ability to produce multi-wall parts
- Thickness can be varied without mold modifications
- Cost saving-economic tooling costs
- Resistant to stress-cracking and corrosion
- Complex contours, flanges, and mold-in graphics
- Colors never crack or chip
- FDA-approved materials and designs
Find out how Fibertech’s Custom products can benefit your business.
Questions or Ready to get started? Call us today at 800-304-4600 or Contact Us.